Review and Feedback Generation

Most searches for a business now come from location-aware devices that show the map pack ahead of organic results. Here, reviews matter and consumers now rely on reviews for everything from 6 figure cars down to $2 coffees.

More good reviews = more exposure, better conversion and increased ROI

Review Generation

We help your clients generate more reviews and feedback

Feedback Industries

Your client completes a sale or delivers a service for their customer. We solicit feedback when that customer still has a warm fuzzy glow from an outstanding experience.

Give Feedback

The customer receives a text, email or instant message asking them how their most recent experience was. This can happen automatically, triggered by the systems your client already uses, or they can add customer details manually.

Rate Business

If the customer indicates they had a positive experience, we ask them to leave a rating on one of your chosen review sites. Set which sites are prioritized manually or let Optimum IQ make the smartest decision for you.

After a great experience, most people would love to leave a positive rating, but fail to because of the effort required. We take the customer directly to the review box for the business, removing the need to look you up, sign in and find the button to leave a review. No friction = Up to 6x as many reviews.

Negative Feedback

If the customer had a negative experience, they get the chance to let you know what the issue was. People who complain online often just need an outlet to express their dissatisfaction directly to the business.

Feedback is instantly sent to you internally, giving you the opportunity to turn a dissatisfied customer into a raving fan. Decide on the best course of action or assign a follow up to another team member.

Google 3 Pack

More reviews = More customers and More customers = More reviews. Our client's users tend to see a snowball effect after the first 8 weeks. More reviews also mean better rankings in Google for searches in a particular city or town.

Survey tools for every type of client

Every business is unique and so are its customers. Create Feedback Pages that appeal to a specific audience and increase the number of conversions. Set up and switch between different methods of surveying to find the optimum choice for any group of consumers.


Predict customer loyalty with Net Promoter Score (NPS)


Establish customer satisfaction with customizable CSAT responses

Star Ratings

Create a familiar experience to online review sites with 1 – 5 star ratings

Get Started or take a look at Reputation Management