Think Local with Flyte

New: SMS Marketing Campaigns

Way back when, we built Flyte as a tool to focus on reviews and feedback, but the real problem we’re trying to solve is making it easier for local businesses to attract and retain more customers.

Some of our users told us they struggled with SMS marketing for quick promotions and last minute updates to their customer base.

In case you missed the memo, SMS is now huge (… again)!

97% of SMS is read within 15 minutes of being delivered.

Post COVID, it’s made a huge comeback as the go-to way to get a message to your customer base. Assuming it’s not overused, SMS can have 7 – 9x the impact of an email campaign to the same number of people .

This week we’re launching SMS campaigns as part of the platform.

Head to Campaigns > New Campaign and choose SMS Broadcast Campaign to get started.

You can upload a CSV of customer details, use the customers already in your account or simply paste a list of numbers to start your campaign.

It’s just 2 screens to get a campaign set up and scheduled, so there’s no excuse not to tell the world (or least your customers) about that amaaaazing ‘3 for 1 post-pandemic everything must go’ sale.

More good stuff coming your way

Currently, SMS messages are sent from one of our group numbers (that change based on the state/country of the recipient to appear more local).

Soon, we’ll be launching Inbox and Business SMS, where you can assign a unique number to your account, and manage any replies to those SMS from your dashboard. You’ll also be able to send and have SMS conversations with your customers from the dashboard. Here’s a preview:

If you need help getting your campaign set up, there’s more in-depth information over in the Help Centre .

Happy SMSing!